Erasmus+ v študijskem letu 2024/25

Erasmus+ promocija – predstavitev

Višja strokovna šola Postojna je v letih 2023 in 2024 uspešno kandidirala na razpisih za Erasmus+.

To nam omogoča, da lahko v tem študijskem letu študentom omogočimo in finančno podpremo izvajanje obvezne prakse v tujini, pa tudi zaposlenim, da svoje znanje predstavijo na drugih institucijah ali se na ta način usposabljajo.

V študijskem letu 2024/25 imamo razpisane:

2 mobilnosti za izvedbo študentske prakse (po iz razpisa 2023 in 2024)

2 mobilnosti za usposabljanje osebja (razpis 2024). 

Vsi podatki, vključno z razpisom in prijavnicami so dostopni spodaj.

Rok za prijavo je 16. 12. 2024.

Razpis VSPO Erasmus – 2024_2025
Finance 2024
Prijavnica za študente – 2024_2025
Prijavnica za osebje – 2024_2025
Vmesno in končno poročilo za študente
Potrdilo o opravljeni mobilnosti za študente
Potrdilo o opravljeni mobilnosti za osebje
Študentska listina

Tina Šorc, Erasmus+ koordinatorica


Marec 2023:

Islandsko gozdarsko združenje

dvema študentoma omogoča izvedbo 10 – tedenskega praktičnega izobraževanja,

s pomočjo projekta Erasmus+.

Študenta sta nam poslala nekaj fotografij:


Na Erasmus+ mobilnosti na Češkem, Olomouc

Sklenili smo digitalni sporazum – Erasmus+ dashboard o sodelovanju med našo šolo in šolo MVSO Olomouc.



Na Erasmus+ mobilnosti na Cipru, december 2021

Predavateljica programa Poslovni sekretar zadovoljna z obiskom mesta Limassol in gostiteljske organizacije House of Arts and Letters.


Na Erasmus+ mobilnosti na Hrvaškem – Gospić, oktober 2021
Obiskali smo Veleučilišče Nikola Tesla Gospić, Upravo za zaščito narave in podjetje Calcit.

Dogodek v okviru Erasmus+ days:
Vabljeni k udeležbi na Delavnici GREMO NA ERASMUS!, kjer bodo študenti, ki so že bili na Erasmus+ mobilnosti v tujini predstavili svoje izkušnje.
Delavnica bo potekala v sklopu aktivnosti #ERASMUSDAYS v četrtek, 14. 10. 2021, s pričetkom ob 17.00 (tj. 2 šolski uri od 17.00 do 18.30). Vstop v ZOOM okolje bo mogoč za vse udeležence od 16.45.
Študenti različnih višjih strokovnih šol bodo v kratkih predstavitvah ob slikah predstavili svoje Erasmus+ izkušnje in odgovarjali na vprašanja, ki se bodo porajala med predstavitvijo.
Delavnica GREMO NA ERASMUS! bo potekala na naslednji povezavi:


Erasmus+ ECHE 2021_2027


Višja strokovna šola Postojna je dobitnica ECHE listine – Certifikata za program ERASMUS+, za programsko obdobje 2021_2027.


EPS – Erasmus Policy Statement

The Erasmus Policy Statement of Higher educational college Postojna sets out on the base of the institutional strategy with future development in different ways: together with the new Erasmus+ program, we want to establish a process of digital mobility monitoring, give the opportunity to participate to all and ensure full recognition of student and staff mobility.

Higher Vocational College Postojna undertakes to contribute to the new Erasmus+ program and new Charter Principles, which includes 5 priorities:

  1. Increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs
  2. Improving the quality and relevance of higher education
  3. Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation
  4. Linking higher education, research, and business for excellence and regional development
  5. Improving governance and funding


1. Increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs

We believe that education is not just the privilege of elites and that a diverse student and staff body makes the school stronger. We intend to continue the successful activities in terms of staff and student exchanges, visiting lecturers and invited staff from enterprises. Our college is small, but we want to maintain the number of mobility in the new programming period as well: three (3) students mobility for the purpose of practical education and six (6) staff mobility for the purpose of teaching and learning.

2. Improving the quality and relevance of higher education

With Erasmus+ program we want to enrich teaching and enhance the student experience. We will actively promote the personal and professional development benefits of international mobility among students and the staff, and highlight to prospective employers the transferable skills and competencies typically associated with this experience, such as cross-cultural communication and language skills. We want to include at least one (1) student or staff in our Erasmus+ workshops to promote other participant their mobility experience and skills.

3. Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border collaboration

We believe that we improve and grow stronger by listening to and learning from others. Working with our partners in participating and non-participating countries, we will expand our knowledge and experience of other education systems and qualifications to facilitate admission, progression, recognition, exchange, and co-operation in program development. We constantly look for new contacts and partnerships, focusing on the similarities of course content in order to ensure their recognition in the curriculum. In the future, we want new cooperation with partners from the economy or education. Our goal is to sign with a new partner at least one (1) agreement on participation in the Erasmus+ project every academic year.

4. Making the knowledge triangle work

We work in partnership with businesses and industries, including regional associations, to exploit our intellectual capital and create a highly-skilled workforce. The objectives of our institution’s participation in the Erasmus mobility activities are to exchange knowledge, skills, experiences, acquire new competencies and come to know new cultures. We strive for optimal integration of high-quality education and training into tertiary education and training, comparable to international levels. We are well aware of the importance of the economic success of a country and hence the priority of educational institutions to enhance partnerships between education and training institutions and the broader society. Our goal is to maintain the current network of companies that accept our students for a 10 weeks of practical training under the Erasmus+ program. In the new period, 2021-2027, we want to include at least three (3) more companies in the Erasmus+ program and even try to exchange the knowledge in real industry projects.

5. Simplification of the program and focus on quality

We want to simplify the program with less papers and focus on the quality of program implementation. We want to focus on the individual, encourage opportunities, offer support and promote the program. Our goal is digital mobility management, implementation of Erasmus+ workshop every year, and promotion of the program in local magazines.


Erasmus+ v študijskem letu 2022/23

Višja strokovna šola Postojna je v letih 2020 in 2021 uspešno kandidirala na razpisih za Erasmus+.

Projekta se iztekata 31. 5. 2023 (razpis 2020) oz. 31. 10. 2023 (razpis 2021).

To nam omogoča, da lahko v tem študijskem letu študentom omogočimo in finančno podpremo izvajanje obvezne prakse v tujini, pa tudi zaposlenim, da svoje znanje predstavijo na drugih institucijah ali se na ta način usposabljajo.

V študijskem letu 2022/23 imamo razpisane:

4 mobilnosti za izvedbo študentske prakse;

6 mobilnosti za usposabljanje osebja. 

Vsi podatki, vključno z razpisom in prijavnicami so dostopni spodaj.

Razpis VSPO 22_23

Prijavni obrazec za prakticno izobraevanje v tujini_smp_


Maja Prešeren in Tina Šorc, Erasmus+ koordinatorica;



Cilji tovrstne mobilnosti so:

• pomagati študentom in zaposlenim, da se prilagodijo zahtevam na evropskem trgu dela;
• pomagati študentom in zaposlenim, da razvijejo določene spretnosti, vključno z jezikovnimi spretnostmi in izboljšajo razumevanje ekonomske in socialne kulture določene države v kontekstu pridobivanja delovnih izkušenj;
• spodbujanje sodelovanja med visokošolskimi izobraževalnimi institucijami in podjetji;
• prispevati k razvoju kroga dobro izobraženih, odprto mislečih in mednarodno izkušenih mladih ljudi v bodoče strokovnjake.


Več o ERASMUS MOBILNOSTI si preberite na spletni strani:



Po porabi sredstev za lastne projekte mobilnosti, lahko študenti in osebje pridobijo sredstva za mobilnost preko konzorcija za mobilnost, katerega član smo in deluje pod okriljem Skupnosti VSŠ.

Razpisa za sofinanciranje mobilnosti za osebje in študente sta objavljena na spletni strani Skupnosti VSŠ:

Na omenjeni spletni strani je objavljena tudi razpisna dokumentacija in informacija o razpoložljivosti sredstev za mobilnosti.

Na razpis se prijavite pri Erasmus+ koordinatorju na šoli.



Erasmus Policy Statement of Higher Vocational College Postojna

Higher Vocational College Postojna has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020.
The Erasmus Policy Statement sets out our institutional strategy in relation to the Charter. Higher Vocational College Postojna supports the EU Modernisation and Internationalisation Agenda for Higher Education, and the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is integral to the realisation of our institutional plans, strategies and aspirations. We believe that higher education is a power for good and makes a significant economic, intellectual and cultural contribution to the world.
By signing this Charter, Higher Vocational College Postojna undertakes to contribute to the European Union’s modernisation and internationalisation agenda in higher education, which includes 5 priorities:
1 – Increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs
2 – Improving the quality and relevance of higher education Page 2 of 17 Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 Annotated Guidelines
3 – Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation
4 – Linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development
5 – Improving governance and funding

1. Increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs
We believe that education is not just the privilege of elites, and that a diverse student and staff body makes the school stronger. We intend to continue the successful activities in terms of staff and student exchanges, visiting lecturers and invited staff from enterprises. The graduates are well qualified to respond quickly to changing market conditions and set up their own businesses  thus contributing to the local, regional and national development.

2. Improving the quality and relevance of higher education
With Erasmus+ programme we want to enrich teaching and enhance the student experience. We will actively promote the personal and professional development benefits of international mobility among students and the staff, and highlight to prospective employers the transferable skills and competences typically associated with this experience, such as cross-cultural communication and language skills.

3. Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border collaboration
We believe that we improve and grow stronger by listening to, and learning from others. Working with our partners in participating and non-participating countries, we will expand our knowledge and experience of other education systems and qualifications to facilitate admission, progression, recognition, exchange and co-operation in programme development. We constantly look for new contacts and partnerships, focusing on the similarities of courses content in order to ensure their recognition in curriculum. An approval process ensures that a student’s course choices are acceptable for recognition and progression. All placement opportunities are evaluated, including the work programme and learning opportunities, accommodation, travel, health policies and the working environment.

4. Making the knowledge triangle work
We work in partnership with business and industry, including regional associations, to exploit our intellectual capital and create a highly-skilled workforce. Working with industry translates research into innovations that shape our world, tackling global challenges and transforming lives.  We will develop our research collaboration with industry and the public sector, and will seek to increase opportunities for integration of industrial experience into degree programmes. The objectives of our institution’s participation in the Erasmus mobility activities are to exchange knowledge, skills, experiences, acquire new competences and come to know new cultures. We strive for optimal integration of high-quality education and training into tertiary education and training, comparable to international levels. We are well aware of the importance of economic success of a country and hence the priority of educational institutions to enhance partnerships between education and training institutions and the broader society.

5. Improving governance and funding
Our priority will be investment in the academic mission and strategic vision of the higher educational system.
In regard to mobility we are committed to extend the range and nature of the opportunities we can offer to our students, as integral or optional credit mobility components. This will include work placements in participating countries.


Mobility of students and academic staff is a priority for effective partnership relationship management, support of co-operation projects, professional training, teaching delivery and programme development. In all our international activities we recognise the importance of regular monitoring and evaluation, as well as benchmarking, in order to inform and influence our future practice, policy and strategy.

We expect to focus primarily on the development of selected existing partnerships and to extend their scope so that they contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education, for example, by developing relationships with other key stakeholders and/or cross-sector co-operation.  In order to realise these objectives we will engage in more strategic and sustainable relationships based on deeper mutual understanding of our capabilities, capacity and priorities. We will seek to develop further, in co-operation with HEIs in participating countries, our contribution to capacity-building for higher education in post-conflict Partner countries.

Head of Higher Vocational College Postojna:
Nada Vadnov


Pri nastajanju strategije internacionalizacije Višje strokovne šole so upoštevana teoretična izhodišča in dokument strategije internacionalizacije Šolskega centra Postojna. S strategijo in ključnimi področji želimo povečati mobilnost študentov in osebja, omogočiti tujim študentom in partnerjem možnost sodelovanja v našem slovenskem prostoru, pri slovenskih podjetjih in kot gostujoči strokovnjaki na naši šoli.

Na področju mednarodnih mobilnosti želimo študentom in osebju omogočiti vključitev v širši mednarodni prostor na način, kjer bodo pridobivali strokovne in splošne kompetence.

Temelj mobilnosti bo ostalo praktično izobraževanje v okviru učnega načrta – kurikuluma s priznavanjem 13 kreditnih točk z možnostjo nadgradnje prakse in vrnitve študenta v okolje prvič izvedene mobilnosti ali mobilnosti s prakso v drugem podjetju. Temelj mobilnosti bo v usposabljanju osebja in poučevanju predavateljev v tujini in iskanju partnerjev v tujini, s katerimi želimo internacionalizacijo pripeljati tudi v našo regijo.

Strategija internacionalizacije Višje strokovne šole je za uresničitev vizije tako usmerjena v tri ključna področja:

• mobilnost, odprta v mednarodno okolje,

spodbujati želimo k mobilnosti študente in osebje ter na ta način gojiti mednarodno odprtost in kakovost naše institucije.

Višja strokovna šola Postojna je do sedaj svoje študente napotila na mednarodno izvajanje praktičnega izobraževanja v države gostiteljice: Hrvaška, Italija, Nemčija, Avstrija, Malta, Portugalska. V okviru programa Erasmus+ smo v tujino napotili več predavateljev, v države gostiteljice: Češka, Hrvaška, Nemčija, Avstrija.

Z mobilnostjo študentov in osebja želimo še naprej zagotoviti razvoj njihovih poklicnih in splošnih kompetenc ter pomagati pri krepitvi svojega znanja in razvoju samozavesti.

• kakovostno razvojno sodelovanje in usmerjenost v prednostne regije in države,

mednarodno delovanje je tudi vir novih idej, spoznanj in stvaritev, ki prinašajo dodano vrednost vsem vključenim. K mednarodnemu sodelovanju želimo pritegniti podjetja iz naše regije in širše in navezati stike s podjetji v tujini. Na ta način bomo lahko tujim študentom omogočili izvajanje praktičnega izobraževanja v naših podjetjih in na šoli gostili priznane tuje strokovnjake.

V geopolitičnem smislu se Slovenija uvršča v tri evropske regije: Podonavsko, Alpsko in Jadransko-Jonsko. Skladno s tem in ob upoštevanju potenciala in velikosti šole so v

prioritetna območja strategije internacionalizacije zajete države EU, ki mejijo na Slovenijo in širše.

• promocija internacionalizacije doma,

širjenje obzorja študentov in osebja, njihovih medkulturnih in globalnih spretnosti ter razvoj mehkih kompetenc, pogojeni s kakovostno organizirano izkušnjo, pridobljeno s programom Erasmus+ ali kje drugje, želimo nadgraditi doma. Mednarodna dimenzija naj prinaša dodano vrednost slovenskem prostoru, zato mora biti promocija v ustvarjanje mednarodnih aktivnosti podprta v regijskem prostoru in širše.

Merila uspešnosti strategije internacionalizacije:

1. Povezave in partnerstva s tujimi gospodarskimi subjekti in izobraževalnimi institucijami

2. Odhodne mobilnosti študentov in osebja

3. Promocija mednarodnih izkušenj v regijskem prostoru in širše, so skladna z Erasmus+ cilji VSŠ Postojna za obdobje nove Erasmus+ listine 2021 – 2027:

1. Želimo ohraniti ali povečati število mobilnosti v novem programskem obdobju: vsaj tri (3) mobilnost študentov za praktično izobraževanje in vsaj šest (6) mobilnost osebja za poučevanje In/ali usposabljanje. Možnosti za mobilnost bomo ponudili vsem, tudi najbolj ranljivim posameznikom.

2. Polno priznavanje mobilnosti bo kriterij uspešnosti našega programa. Pri osebju naj se mobilnost priznava k delovni uspešnosti. Uspešno izvedena mobilnost osebja naj se umesti v kriterije, ki so potrebni pri vnovičnem imenovanju v nazive predavatelja višjih strokovnih šol.

3. V naše delavnice Erasmus + želimo stalno vključiti vsaj enega (1) študenta ali zaposlenega, ki je že bil na mobilnosti. Želimo si večje prepoznavnosti programa, večje promocije.

4. Naš cilj je, da vsako študijsko leto podpišemo vsaj en (1) nov dogovor s partnerji, izobraževalno institucija ali gospodarskim subjektom za sodelovanju v projektu Erasmus+.

5. Naš cilj je ohraniti in ojačati trenutno mrežo podjetij, ki sprejemajo naše študente na 10-tedensko praktično usposabljanje v okviru programa Erasmus+. V novem obdobju 2021-2027 želimo v program Erasmus+ vključiti vsaj tri (3) nova podjetja in z njimi poiskati možnost sodelovanja na projektih.